Sawsan Fraidoon
Media Professional, Bahrain
About Sawsan
Sawsan Fraidoon is a Bahraini Media Professional. At the young age of 16, she became Bahrain’s youngest journalist and has since then been navigating the media and communication landscape.
Sawsan's journey extends over a variety of media platforms, from journalism to presenting in front of the camera, moderating talks, producing films, and writing a book while leaving her vocal stamp as a Voice Artist on campaigns for national and regional clients. She is known to be the official Arabic voice of Bahrain's National Carrier Gulf Air since 2014.
Building upon her extensive experience in print and broadcast media, she occasionally takes the stage as a Master of Ceremony. Throughout the years, her journalistic know-how and presenting skills have been commended by industry professionals including prominent Lebanese TV Host and Media Trainer Neshan who saw great promise in her.
Contact Sawsan
Please fill out the form below or drop an email to sawsan.fraidoon@gmail.com